Sunday, July 31, 2016

Alternative to Meditation

Everyone who meditates or practices self-hypnosis understands the basics of Eye Fixation.  You stare at a Cross, a pendant, a candle, or simply at a dot on the wall.

However, sometimes the ecstatic effect does not always come - perhaps 80% of the time for me.  This is the point where you get divine revelation - or intuition or whatever you want to call it-  upon certain concepts, topics, or current problems in your life.   

I have found a technique that gives about 80% of the effect of meditation, but with perhaps 10% of the time required.  Mentalist Ehud Segev describes it in his book, "9 Steps to Influence: A Mentalists's Guide for Every Man."  

How does it work?  It is very simple.  I will describe the way I do it, taking hints from Ehud's procedure.  

  • Fill up a transparent glass with water.  Ensure you can see the top of the water level.
  • Get a timer - a smart phone will work.
  • Set the timer for one minute. 
  • Get in front of a mirror where you can see your face down to the bottom of your neck
  • Place the glass of water in front of you.  
  • Grasp the glass of water.
  • Extend your arm fully to a comfortable position with the glass of water.
  • Bring the glass level to about the image of your chin in the mirror.
  • Hold the glass as steady as possible for one minute.  
    • Stare at a point behind the bridge of your nose to an imaginary point two inches (five centimeters) behind your nose bridge.
    • Trigger the timer.
    • Gaze at the point behind your nose bridge for as long as you can.
    • In your peripheral vision, watch the water level, and try to keep the glass of water as steady as possible.
  • Rest for about 15 seconds and change hands.
  • Repeat the procedure with the other hand.

I often wait for another hour or so and repeat the exercise.  I do this perhaps twice or three times in a day.

What is the benefit?  You get an approximate benefit you would get with Eye Fixation meditation, but it is faster, if you are in a time crunch, or if you do not have the energy for a full meditation session.  You also gain a powerful silent confidence in face to face conversations, because your eye movement, head movement and face movements will be under absolute control during the conversation - it is hard to put a price on supreme confidence in a face to face conversation.

There you go.  Have fun!

Saturday, July 30, 2016

The Modern Error

Materialism is the modern error - the error of the Modern Era!

Preaching to the choir is all we can do.  Argument does not work - only reproduction in numbers of those who know the Absolute Truth to the point of an overwhelming crushing force of the Forces of Lies. 

Spirituality always wins in the long run.  The problem is generational mutations that seem to swamp out Spirituality before Darwin, or God, wipes the mutants from the face of the Earth.  

The greatest Truths are the simplest ones.  The number 6 - take this for example.  Where in physical space is the number 6?  You cannot find it in physical space.  Thus, there are non-material existents.  thus, Materialism is false.  Do you have evidence of the existence of the number 6?  No.  Do you have data to support the existence of the number 6?  No.  Numbers exist in the abstract realm of mathematics and have absolutely no physical attributes.  

Thus, we have demonstrated simply that we are capable of reasoning and thinking in a completely non-material way that is absolutely true.  Nobody can claim the non-existence of the number 6.  

Thus, there are areas of study - sciences - where data and evidence are completely irrelevant - and completely absurd.  (For advanced philosophers, we all know that even in the sciences, one cannot only use data or evidence, but that is for another time.)  

Thus, taking about things we know are absolutely true, but outside of the realm of the physical sciences, is perfectly acceptable, and in many cases, a superior form of thinking and reasoning.  

Closing ourselves off to non-material reasoning makes us half human.  And, half humans will not survive the Next Inevitable Darwinian purge.  The ancients said, "without a vision my people perish."  And, this means, in modern terms, we humans who do not conform to the conditions of survival, will not survive.  

Human survival in all places and all times requires non-physical reasoning.  Or, death.  

What shall you do?  Focus on Meaning and Vision.  Very simple, but sometimes hard.