Thursday, April 7, 2016

Fundamentals of the New Age of Aquarius

A new age dawns upon the world.  A new form of government and a new order of being comes forth.  

  • The majority shall no longer rule, for democracy is rule by the ignorant mob, and the mob shall be crushed.
  • The bureaucrats shall no longer exist.  Like inspector Javer in Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables, these too shall pass away and be crushed under foot - if necessary. 
  • Kings shall no longer rule, for brute force shall have some currency in power, but it shall be one tool of many more much more powerful.
  • Capitalists and money lenders shall be laid low and stripped of power for their currency shall have little to do wit the future order of the worlds.

Who shall rule in this new age, you ask?  

  • The Genius.  
  • The Artist.  
  • The One in touch with the Sublime.  
  • The Artist-King!

The Sublime is the undefinable, ineffable knowledge that the Artist knows.  Reason shall be crushed forever once and for all.  Reason rules the material world, but has no place in the Spiritual world of Humanity.  Reason is sterile, dry, impotent, and weak.  It lacks sense.  It lacks vision.  It lacks that which we live for.  We do not live for things.  Rather, we live for purpose.  We live, as Jean Paul Sartre said, as a For-Itself.  Reason rules the In-Itself - stuff, mechanics, physics, electricity, and chemistry.  The Sublime rules the For-Itself.

Reason shall be subservient to Purpose and the Sublime.  A work of Art shall be superior to the latest invention of efficient processes - the boring, dead, lifeless, sterile realm of Pure Reason and Boring Physical Sciences.  Beethoven shall supersede Newton.  We live to feel.  We do not live to arrange things in an efficient organized manner.  We live to shine the light upon the darkness of the universe, not to wallow in the darkness with sterility and boredom in our chemical-induced moods to kill ourselves and our spirits.  Rather, science and chemistry shall be used in service of the Sublime and Art.  When it fails to serve The Sublime, it shall be crushed underneath the foot of the Artist-King.

The future is for the Artists who refuse to accept reality as it is, and who choose to shine a light into the darkness and say yes to life and no to death, like the First Century Christians proclaimed with vigor, violence, and valor.  The Artist shall look upon the universe with its pull toward death and decay, and shout “No!” and seek to rearrange the entire universe for Eternal Life.  The Ancient Christian goal of Eternal Life shall be made manifest upon this Earth in real time.  The Artist shall pave the way to this path of Bright shining light.  The Artist-King shall establish a kingdom to accomplish this.  

Above all else, the new age shall have purpose, and everything upon this Earth shall be subservient toward that goal.  The goal is shining a light in the darkness, and a refusal to accept Death and Decay.

This demand from the Universe will take the old Christian concept ten steps further.  We shall Demand from the Gods Eternal Life.  We shall defy them until they relent and grant to mortals Eternal Life.  We shall fight on for a long time against the forces of the Universe.  We shall threaten the Gods.  We shall challenge the Gods.  We will demand of the Gods, Godhood.  Yes!  This is the Age of Aquarius where we shall take the Hope of Christianity and make it real as the promise of a Heaven on Earth.

The Age of the Artist-King shall last another 2000 years until all men around the world shall finally subdue the Gods and wrestle from them the Hope and the reality of Godhood.

This is the Light.  This is the Hope.  This is the next Age of the Earth.  Be Strong!  Be Brave!  

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