Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Clash of the Titans Movie

The cosmic point of the movie was that Zeus feeds upon our worship and love, while Hades, feeds upon our fear and pain.  Zeus and Hades are brothers - brother Gods.

Anyone staring into the eyes of Medusa turns to stone.

Man revolted against the Gods.  So, Zeus disguised himself and raped the queen of xxx, she thinking he was the King.  He impregnated her.  After the birth of this bastard son, Perseus, the king had his wife killed, and apparently the son too.  Little known to him, Perseus survived because he was a demigod.

Perseus was discovered by a fisherman and they took him in as a son.  Io watches over him his entire life.

Hades comes out of the heavens and kills the adopted family of Perseus, but Perseus survives.  He vows revenge against Hades.

Hades comes into the palace of the city of Argos and tells them they must sacrifice the princess to the Gods or he will unleash the awful sea monster called The Cracken to destroy Argos.

But, there is a Demi-God in Argos!  Zeus find out about the revolt of his brother, Hades, and secretly helps out Perseus and gives him a magic sword and a Pegasus (flying horse).

Perseus and fellow warriors make a journey to the underworlds to cut of the head of Medusa and bring it back to Argos for the final showdown with Hades.  Everyone is killed, but Perseus.  When Hades releases the Cracken upon Argos, Perseus mounts the Pegasus and flies out to meet the sea monster.  As the sea monster prepares to destroy Argos, Perseus holds up the head of Medusa to the Cracken, and the sea monster turns to stone.  It is destroyed!  Hades comes up to Perseus and says, "Don't you know I am a God!  I will live forever!"  Perseus replies, "But, not here!"  Then he hits Hades with the magic sword, and he falls from the heavens back to the underworld where he belongs.

This movie is a good epic on the level of Lord of the Rings in grandeur and aim.  The Age of Warriors and Gods!

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