Saturday, March 26, 2016

Christianity is an Open Revolt

Resurrection Sunday (Easter) Sermon


We Christians are conveniently deluded. 

We Christians take a stand against the Order of the Universe and have declared an Open Revolt.  I do not exaggerate one bit in this declaration.

Modern “New Atheists” think they discovered some of the absurdities of Christianity, but - no! - they are way behind the times, because what we believe was absurd way back in the First Century!  One Christian convert leader openly said, “It is absurd, yet, I believe!”  We have been absurd for 2000 years!

We look at death and the grave.  We stare at this ugliness and this Fate of return to Mother Earth of the Pagans.  We see all this, and declare thus in our Revolt, “We refuse to accept this!”  We do not accept death as the Fate of our End.  We curse the darkness, shine a Light, and declare the Hope of Eternal Life beyond the grave.  This, my friends, is the Declaration of Revolt!  Our Creed is an open revolt against the Pagan world - the natural order of things.

We do not believe in the distant god of the Moslems or Jews.  We believe in the Son of God, who in a Holy Trinity, is in a loving family relationship with the Father, and this love is brought from Heaven to us by the Holy Spirit acting through us in Love for our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.  We do not believe in Mother Earth, this dark place that seeks to pull us down into the caverns and darkness of the soil, Hades, Sheol, and the Earth - no!  We believe in the bright shining light of the Father symbolized as the Sun bringing us into the Light of Truth up from Mother Earth into the heavens where we shall remain forever!  We believe instead of the Holy Mother of God, Mary, who bore the pain and suffering of being the Mother of the Son of God from birth, to death and then and on to the Resurrection!

Hope!  We light candles.  We curse the darkness of Fate in open rebellion.  We refuse to accept death and decay and have Faith that we shall overcome death as Jesus did, and we shall have eternal life after physical death.  This is absurd!  Yet, we Hope and believe.  It is what we are.  We believe in Delusion, in the strongest sense of the world, because we refuse to accept Fate, and live by Faith.  We fundamentally reject a core aspect of “reality”!

We Christians believe in brotherhood of the Faithful.  We believe in Caritas - Charity.  This means all those who believe in the Creeds are our Brothers in Christ.  The Holy Spirit softens our hearts and extends this brotherly love among us.  When we Western Protestants and Catholics look in to the eyes of our Eastern Orthodox brothers, we know, for sure, that we see the Holy Spirit uniting us all in one Faith and Love that transcends all reason and explanation.  We are United in the Communion of Saints and Sinners!

So, my brothers and sisters, we openly have declared Revolt.  For the last 2000 years, we are looked upon as dangerous from the outside, because we have declared such an absurd revolt against the Order of the Universe.  But, still, we are in Revolt!  This instills a sweetness to Christian life and society unknown elsewhere.  

Against the forces of Death!  
We say, “No!”
Against the forces of Despair and Fate!  
We say, “No!”
Against decline and decay!  
We say, “No!”
Against Mother Earth and her pull towards Hades and the grave!  
We say, “No!”

We say yes to Salvation by Grace through Faith, and hold high the Cross as a symbol of our Revolt and Conquest against the Dark Forces of the Universe!

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