Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Climbing out of Despair

When we enter into a state of Despair, we tell ourselves that there is nothing we can do.  We think that we looked at all the options.  We considered all things.  This is just the way things are.  

What is the problem here?  Our model of reality is the problem.  When we create a model of reality, we necessarily delete some of the aspects to make the model work.  When you create a drawing of a book shelf, you necessarily delete some of the concrete aspects of the bookshelf to create the drawing.  You may delete color or texture on the drawing.  The drawing is flat and 2D - so we eliminated the three dimensional reality to get a simplified drawing.

We look at a picture of a building.  The picture is flat and small compared to the real thing.  We look at a map.  We do not see the dirt or the concrete of the highways on the map.  

Thus, when we are in a State of Despair, we have exhausted our temporary model of reality - we have not exhausted reality.  And, this is our error - and out Hope!  Our Hope of Salvation lies in this concept.

How do we get out of a state of despair?  We start by looking at the edges of the model.  This is all I have!  Really - is that all you have?  Have you considered you have something you have not noticed?  I have seen it all and heard it all!  Really?  Perhaps you have seen many many maps, but perhaps you have not looked at the actual territory!  The map is not the territory and the territory is not the map!

Are there exceptions to the rule?  Of course!  Every rule has exceptions.  In fact, success relies on breaking and bending every rule you can find.  

So, when you think you are stuck in Despair, in Analysis Paralysis - when you are stuck - reconsider that you are looking at a limited map and not a limited territory! 

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