Saturday, March 19, 2016

Trump is Bonafide Leftist (it is not what you think, though)

Forget all the political labels you learned about.  They are bull crap.  Open your mind.  Be free for a moment.  Think different - very different for a moment.

American political labels are so meaningless.  When people describe Trump as “right wing” or New England Puritan movements like free love, sexual liberation, etc as “left wing” you know that American labels are inverted, freakish, and downright perverse.  

In every political system, the Right Wing is the Establishment.  In every political system, the Working Class is Left Wing.  These are the basics, from which, we cannot even have a conversation, unless agreed upon.  This all goes back to the French Revolution in the seating of representatives.  Very basic stuff.

In the United States, the Ivy League is the Establishment.  This includes graduates of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Berkeley, Stanford, and Brown.  Any movement coming from graduates of these colleges is Establishment, and, thus, Right Wing.  I know this sounds strange to naive American ears, but this is the way politics works.  It also explains Donald Trump, and all the reactions to him.  It is VERY SIMPLE to understand, because American politics is very simple compared to British, German or French politics.  

Conversely, if you do not come from Ivy League, your political movement is outside the Establishment, and thus, you are fighting an uphill battle against Real Power - America’s Right Wing of Ivy League.  Unless you are Donald Trump, never attack the Right Wing, or you will be crushed.

Donald Trump is solidly working class.  He walks, talks, and screws like the working class.  He goes on and on about hard work, working hard, working around the clock - work, work, work.  All this talk is solidly working class.  Working class believes that time is money, and that more time is more money.  Solid Middle Class, and upper classes never equate time with money, unless they have working class roots, or are pandering to working class people.  Solid upper class people never even talk about money - it is considered dirty to talk about it socially.

So, all goes well when we have Ivy League candidates from either political party.  Romney, Bush, Clinton, etc - nobody makes a fuss over these people.  When working class non-Ivy League grasp at power, you will see lots of weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth from the power brokers - Reagan, Nixon, Trump, and the likes.  The unspoken rule in American power is that if you are working class or not Ivy League, you are to keep your mouth shut.  

Why is Trump dangerous to the Establishment?  It is extremely simple.  What did Karl Marx say?  “Workers of the World Unite!”  Yes, it is that simple.  Trump has the ability to unite the working class from both parties and form a new power bloc that will directly threaten the American establishment.  

It is the Communist Revolution all over again.  There is a large block of Middle Class people scared and threatened to being moved back in to the working class or worse.  There is a large block of working class people throughout the Midwest, South, West, and…everywhere!  The proletariat are within Both Parties.  The proletariat at of All Races.  This in particular scares the hell out of the Establishment because if a new Proletariat establishes a power block, their power significantly attenuates.  Why?  The Democrat party has all the powerful minorities, controlled by Ivy League elites at the top.  If anyone seduces a significant portion of these working class minorities to a new political movement, the Establishment loses a lot of power - and can be potentially overthrown like the French Revolution or Communist Revolution.  

In conclusion, you must open your mind.  You must dispense with nonsensical American political labels.  Study the French labels in particular from the French Revolution.  Right Wing is established power, and Left Wing is always connected to the working class.  

If Donald Trump comes to power, it will be a reorganization of politics and the emergence of a New Establishment.  Expect the Establishment to fight this tooth and nail, including the use of violence.  

Grab the popcorn and beer and see how far this goes.  This could get interesting.  And scary.    

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