Monday, March 21, 2016

Hitting Rock Bottom

Hitting Rock Bottom reveals what is within you.  We all shall go through the Valley of the Shadow of Death.  Illness, death, impossible circumstances, getting lost in  the jungle, or getting lost in a foreign country.  

You will know when you get there.  How?  You will find out you no longer have any fear.  The worst has happened and nothing else can challenge you because you have passed the worst test life has thrown at you.  They can point an AK-47 at your chest and you will not give a damn.

Some people lose their faith.  Others become stronger  Still others combine both.  But, you are never the same.  What is this?  It is the Inflection Point.  You choose life or you choose death.  The inflection means that there is no Middle Ground coming out of Rock Bottom.  It is a barbell with weights at both ends: Life or Death.  Light or Darkness.  

It is the Fork in the Road.  You will reach inside and find the Inner Strength to rise above the depths of despair, or you choose the low path of despair and a living death where you fade into a wallflower.

If you have not reached the Moment of Choice in your life, just know that every moment NOW, you are preparing for the Great Trial to come.  Be strong, be courageous.  Reach for the Golden Ring.  Live!

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